Saturday, January 2, 2016

Predictions Fail: 2015 - 16 Edition

Every January, I make predictions about the video game industry for the following year. Of course, these types of posts are no fun unless they are revisited a year after. For today, I would like to revisit lastyear's predictions for 2015 and see if they came true. Honestly... they were hit-or-miss. Mostly miss...

1. My first prediction was that 2015 would be The Year of the Wii U. With many great games coming out on 2015 and whatever new great things Nintendo was to announce, I expected that the Wii U would double its install base. Although the Wii U sales numbers did increase, breaking the 10 million milestone in July, the end of the year numbers are nowhere close to the 16 million I had expected.

Self Assessment: Partly Correct

2. My second prediction was that Final Fantasy XV would be the most significant game of the year. With the recent commentary from a number of pundits this past year noting that JRPGs have grown a bit stale, I had hoped that Final Fantasy XV would revitalize the genre and, upon its success, embolden developers to take risks and design games whose mechanics go beyond traditional narrative tropes and play mechanics. Alas, Final Fantasy XV's release date was designated as 2016.

Self Assessment: Incorrect

3. I had expected that PS 4 and X1 console sales would decrease slowly, reaching a steady low by mid year, to then pick up slightly towards the end of the year with the holidays. Although we did see a sharp decrease in console sales, it came much sooner than I expected, and the spike in holiday sales was much larger than I thought it would be.

Self Assessment: Partly Correct

4. I predicted that the New 3DS would launch to customer confusion, but that sales would pick up. This was indeed the case, although the confusion from the consumer was less than I would have expected and sales picked up faster than I would have expected - and they were followed by steady growth.

Self Assessment: Partly Correct

5. I suggested that there would be a number of new 3DS editions and that the handheld would continue to outsell other consoles. The first part was indeed correct, with the New 3DS being released in an Animal Crossing variant, a Monster Hunter variant, and a Zelda variant. Regarding sales, however, I was somewhat off, with the 3DS lagging in sales behind both the PS 4 and the X1 this year.

Self Assessment: Partly Correct

6. I predicted that Nintendo would announce a new console, and this was indeed the case. The Nintendo NX - reportedly a cartridge-based  console - was announced with new information leaking slowly.

Self Assessment: Spot on

7. I predicted there would be no US release of Phantasy Star Online 2. That was correct.
I did make some other "predictions" that the yearly series would release yet another installment, and this was indeed true, though fully expected. And just as I expected, naysayers continued crying the Death of Nintendo, until the Wii U broke the 10 million mark, at which point their attitudes changed, if mildly. 

Although my 2015 predictions were mostly on the "fail" end, I am happy that a few of my wishful thoughts came to fruition. ESO went free to play (I will be buying it sometime after I finish planning my courses for this year), Mass Effect: Andromeda was announced at E3, and although Final Fantasy 7 is not Final Fantasy 6, its announced remake at E3 brought many gamers (myself included) to the brink of shedding tears of joy.

With the exception of E3, 2015 was "just ok" for mainstream games. There were a few gems that were released this year, and I will be writing about those briefly on my next post, but by and large, 2015 can be summarized as "Open World Games Year", with games like Witcher 3, Fallout 4, MGS 5: Phantom Pain, and Assassin's Creed: Syndicate dominating the charts.

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