Monday, May 5, 2014

Just a bit of gloating

Not too long ago, I wrote twin pieces over at Pop Trends talking about how to get into gaming. I suggested that people coming into gaming for the first time should get a PS3, as it has a library of incredible titles such as The Last of Us and the Uncharted titles. A few friends scoffed at the idea. They said that it was old tech, that it was better to get a new console, that a PS 3 wasn't worth it, and a plethora of other arguments against getting a console at the end of its generation. Today, Luke Plunkett of Kotaku partly agreed with me. He told a story of how his friend just got a PS 3 and he was jealous because he could skip all the mediocre games and go straight to the good ones.


  1. Mr. Johansen Quijano,
    This is a blast from the past! Great blog. Read a syllabus, very impressive. Makes me happy.
    Mildred Santiago, Leesburg, FL

  2. Dr. Santiago! It's so nice to hear from you. How are things in Florida? I hope you're doing fine. I read some of your poetry in your blog and loved it! Thanks for the message.

    - J
